Lord Byron

"Adversity is the first path of truth."
~ Lord Byron

A celebration of truth, Romantic poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) was born George Gordon Byron on this day in Dover, England. His mother was a Scottish heiress, his father was the scurrilous Captain John "Mad Jack" Byron.

With a passion for books, he translated the works of Horace at age six and annotated the Hebrew Bible by eight. He inherited his title at age 10.

In the midst of the French Revolution era, his life was as tumultuous as his grand poem, Don Juan (1823), which some have called the greatest of its time.

"I am blood, bone, marrow, passion, feeling" he wrote, yet mocked enthusiasm, calling it "entusymusy."

An adventurer, a legend, and a loyal friend to Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron once said, "Friendship is Love without his wings." 

His poetry celebrated beauty and freedom.

Known for love affairs and controversies that would rival Casanova, the wit and beauty of his words, with their easy conversational tone, were true. 

"Hearts will break," he said, "yet brokenly, live on."

Always the romantic, Byron said, "Over the waters of the dark blue sea, our thoughts are boundless, and our souls are free."
Face adversity courageously.

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